31 March 2016

2.279: Quick Blurbs 004

Wendi Deng
My initial reaction to this topic:  EW!  I am rather open-minded when it comes to sexual intercourse but the thought of sleeping with someone that has slept with Rupert Murdoch is repulsive.  Of course, I am a bleeding-heart liberal with an intense distaste for the man responsible for FOX News.

Emily Ratajkowski
(1) Who?  And (2) why?  Topless Kim Kardashian is a topic should have died weeks (if not, years) ago but the media thrives off this nonsense as evidenced by its perpetual rehashing of the topic.  Personally, I am done with it and will be skipping it in future columns.

Finding Dory
Will Finding Dory be as good as Finding Nemo? Who knows? But I am willing to find out when it hits Netflix in a year or two. Personally, I enjoyed Nemo and while I have some reservations about the necessity of Dory, I understand why it exists.

Wheel of Fortune
I cannot remember the last time I watched Wheel of Fortune but to answer a thirteen (?) letter puzzle is somewhat impressive. Though after watching the entire video, I sort of felt bad for the his opponents but I suppose the man wanted to get paid.

William Shatner
Paternity lawsuits are serious. For many, paternity lawsuits are the only means of ensuring both parents are accountable for the decision to conceive a child. There are legitimate issues surrounding such cases but simply because one party’s a celebrity or the amount being requested seems absurd doesn’t diminish the process.