17 March 2016

2.265A: Quick Blurbs 002

Captured at 14:40 EDT on 17 March 2016

First, Happy Saint Patrick's Day to those that "celebrate" this day!  And now, Quick Blurbs:

X-Men:  Apocalypse
Honestly, this should be part of my next “Drop a Like” column because there is too much to say and not nearly enough space to say here.  Still, I will say that I am still thrown off by the way the “teams” are aligned, but film rights, amirite?

How does the old adage go?  Why come up with a new and original idea when you can simply remake it or reboot it?  I never watched the original and I will most likely not watch the remake, but good luck to Paramount Pictures anyways.

Olivia Wilde
I have not seen The Wolf of Wall Street so I am uncertain of the character being referenced, but casting directors and movie producers are free to decide who is best for the character they are casting. I will say that Olivia Wilde probably would have done a good job.

Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Honestly, what respect I had for Mayweather dissipated long ago when it came out that he was a domestic abuser. This is just another example of an older, more powerful man seeking to exert his dominance by exhibiting his ability to “attract” a younger woman.

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris
I have stumbled upon some their photos on Instagram and good for the couple.  I am sure they are enjoying a lovely vacation in a beautiful locale.  As to why this is trending news, who knows? I always thought the old joke was that people hated vacation pictures.