06 March 2016

2.254: WTF Donald Trump?

WTF Donald Trump?

Before I begin, I want to state that the opinions expressed in this post are mine and mine alone.  I would also like to state that nothing you read in this post will be groundbreaking or new.  In fact, you could say that the opinions expressed on the matter will be a rehashing of many of the same arguments that have already been used to attempt to discredit and delegitimize the candidacy of Donald J. Trump.  Regardless, he is the flavor of this Presidential election cycle and the presumptive Presidential nominee of the Republican Party and I want to express my opinions on this matter and then move on.

First, the man is the Presidential nominee equivalent of a circus sideshow.  Similar to the "Bearded Lady" or "Lizard Man of Bangladesh", Trump is a freak that piques our interests for a moment because there is a man shouting through a bullhorn:  "Come one, come all and see the freak of 2016 GOP Presidential nomination cycle!"  Only Trump is the freak and the man on the bullhorn that continuously shouts and yells at passersby to look and pay attention to him.  And if merely shouting through a bullhorn were not enough to garner your attention, then he will scream random lines of utter nonsense that, for one reason or another, intrigues someone ignorant to believe he makes sense.

Do you have a fear the illegal immigrants are out to steal your job?  Then Trump will say that he is going to build a wall (paid for by the Mexican government) along the southern border of the country.

Do you have a fear that Muslim jihadist will attempt to terrorize your favorite gentlemen's club?  Then Trump will tell you that he plans to ban all Muslims from entering the country while forcing Muslims already in our country to prove their loyalty to our country by registering their presence with the federal government.

Do you have a fear that your small hands will be seen by others to mean that you have a small penis?  Well, Trump will ensure you and millions of other Americans watching the most recent GOP Presidential Debate that his small hands (and thus, your small hands) do not mean he (you) has a small penis.  In fact, he will prove this point by clearly stating that he does possess a large penis.

So, seriously, WTF?  How has political decorum been denigrated to the level of immature teenagers?  Because we have allowed this occur through (1) the media's obsession with his crass, built-for-reality-television persona, (2) the public's shift in regards to the value of intellectual discourse, and (3) the GOP's ineptitude in smothering the issue long ago.

Of course, I would be doing an injustice if I did not include this clip from Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: