08 March 2016

2.256: Random Topics 001-A

Ignore the odd numbering format, all will return to "normal" in two weeks!

For newcomers, Random Topics is where I draft a post based on a series of topics generated by the Blog Post Ideas Generator.  In other words, I ran out of ideas for new posts.

Lessons learned during my time at...college.

(1) Socialize.  You may have been a social outcast during high school, but nobody at your college will know unless you decided to attend college in your hometown.  Regardless, socialize (or more accurately, network) because the pathway toward your dream profession begins the moment you enroll in college.  I know that this sounds harsh, but the reality facing most recent college graduates is either an entry-level position at a job that is not even in your field of study or unemployment, but you can avoid this scenario by making an effort to make connections with others on campus.

Real Talk:  Being qualified for a position means very little to potential employers, especially, if you are competing for the same position against a less-qualified candidate that also happens to be best friends with the son of the boss.

Making connections is something I learned much too late and nowadays I find myself struggling with perpetual unemployment, insurmountable debt, and undiagnosed depression.  Okay, I am exaggerating (slightly).  Regardless, making lifelong social connections will go a long way to ensuring a more prosperous career.

(2) Take Your Studies Seriously.  Yes, you may have graduated from high school near the top of your class while barely turning a page in your textbooks, but that shit will not fly in college.  From the moment you arrive on campus and enroll in classes, take your studies seriously because the first couple of semesters of college will kick your ass if you are unprepared.  The first two years of college (or the core curriculum phase of your studies) are designed to weed out the weak and ill-equipped individuals from the pack.  Also, if you screw up your first couple of semesters and manage to right the ship enough to complete your studies, then it is still a long uphill climb to redeem your GPA.

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How to solve the biggest problem you had with...negative influences.

Now, I am certain that the "experts" will say that you should confront the negative influences in your life and attempt to resolve the issue or, even more, attempt to turn the negative into a positive.  Well, that is fine and I will let the "experts" have their beliefs, but my solution is to avoid the problem altogether.  Yes, simply ignoring the problem does not mean the problem will go away, but until you are prepared to undertake the massive task of confronting an issue that so consumes you that you become an irritable, hate-filled creature that lashes out at anyone or anything regardless of their actions; it is best to remove yourself from the situation.  I know that it can be difficult (and in some cases, damn near impossible) but you have to make the effort because no one else will look out for you except you.  Of course, I speak from personal experience and I know it is an incredibly difficult, but you will be better off for it and, perhaps, you may finally find yourself in a position where you are able to confront the problem or it could be an issue that is irreconcilable regardless do it for you!

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I think that is it for this week's Random Topics.  Join me (hopefully) next week as I tackle two more random topics generated by the Blog Post Ideas Generator.  Until next time:  DFTBA!