Here we are with another late night post. Not much to say, but there was a nice write up about the library in today's The Times (Gainesville, GA). Of course, I made the mistake of reading the comments--never read the comments because the comments are infested with trolls.
I almost applied for a new credit card (as if I need another means of accruing debt). I also learned that my student loan website has locked my out, which means I now have to call them in order to regain access to my online account.
The tickets to Guardians of the Galaxy have been purchased and the anticipation builds. I need to read through the Guardians graphic novel that I currently have in my position despite the fact that it is the original Guardians as opposed to the Guardians of the silver screen.
I really need to find a means of overcoming the malaise that I currently find myself in. I struggled with my relinquished burden again, but my admiration is slowly turning into disdain and I think that this is an appropriate response because I need something to fill that void that currently consumes me.