After nearly a week of work, I have finally finished my slideshow presentation for Batman Day at the library. Of course, there are a number of ideas that did not make it into the slide, but there is nothing more that can be done. All I can hope for now is that it runs smoothly come tomorrow.
On a another note, I am considering a tumblr site to go alongside this site. Of course, this site will continue to serve as my primary journal, but the tumblr blog could be used to further expand my plans for avoiding oblivion. Also, there is a number of incredible things that can be identified and then shared easily on tumblr.
If I create a tumblr site, I will link it here on this site. There is a good chance that I will use the same name and address, if possible. It is also my hope that I will be much more active with this tumblr site than I was with my previous tumblr site, which was hampered by my limiting moniker.
Also, I'm hoping, once I start watching movies again, to introduce a recurring "column" to John Past 30 that will simply be shite movie reviews. Anyway, pardon me as I go forth and expand my sphere of influence.