19 July 2014

Year 1, Day 23

Today, I was tired and miserable and I did not want to deal with anyone (patrons or coworkers), but I gritted my teeth and went about my business.  I suppose despite my grumpy morning exterior, I still desire to be recognized and greeted and yet, this did not happen and I knew that it would not happen.  Regardless, I still expected it and I was met with disappointment with a tinge of jealously at the fact that everyone else seemed to enjoy one another's company.

As I reflect back on some of my latest entries, I have reached the conclusion that I sound incredibly needy and desperate and while I am needy (e.g. - I need a better paying job, I need to clear my debts, etc.), I have little need nor desire to be desperate.  And it is with this in mind that I shed the burden of my unrequited love for a coworker that clearly has no interest in me.  It is clear that after nearly a year-and-a-half of this nonsense that nothing is ever going to change and I am only doing a disservice to myself and my departmental coworkers by continually allowing myself to be distracted by this foolishness.  So, with that being said, I bid adieu to unnecessary and unwanted feelings of unrequited love.  Good bye and good riddance.

Now, to the business at hand:  I stand at a crossroad in my life in which I must make the decision to either advance my current career path or alter my path once more.  At the moment, I am leaning toward the former, but there remains an inkling of wishing to return to my passion of politics.  I understand at the moment that my skills are dated and connections drastically hampered by poor personal decisions, but if I have learned anything from the various scandals that politicians place themselves in; it is that redemption is always possible through a proper public relations strategy.

I suppose my political itch is being driven by a gubernatorial election year in which a Democrat has a strong opportunity to oust a scandal-embroiled Republican incumbent.  Of course, this itch always hits me during this time and while I may have a lingering bitter taste in my mouth from past political business; I find the political theater to be enthralling and truly captivating. Anyway, I am only speaking out of my own ass and I have plenty of other business to tend to before I make any drastic decisions.

After this entry, I feel a lot better and I think things are going to get better--if not immediately, then at least, somewhere down the line.  From here on out, I am only about myself and my family (well, the family that I like) because at the end of the day:  only I am going to watch for me and only I will have my own back. Now, I'm not saying that my outlook on life has been radically altered--I'm just saying that I have one less burden on my back and it's all about me.  This my sound conceited because it is, but I like it because it is simple and to the point.