I am a jack-of-some-trades and certainly, a master of none. Through my thirty-plus years, I have worked at a burger joint, a pizza joint, a medical manufacturing plant (in a clerical capacity), two political campaigns, a trucking company (as a relief dispatcher), a fastener manufacturing plant (in quality control) and now, a library. To be honest, the times I had the most fun on the job was with the political campaigns, but those positions also proved to be rather challenging too. I enjoy my work in the library, but this is a major deviation from my original career goal of becoming an attorney. Also, there are moments in dealing with either my coworkers or with patrons that I become jaded. To be frank, I already live a rather pessimistic life and I do not need to be egged on by my peers.
Anyway, there is really no point behind today's entry. It is just me wasting time and filling space and in truth, I probably could have written on a more specific topic, but I'm not quite feeling up for it.