First, RIP David Bowie. I'm unfamiliar with his works beyond his major hit tracks, but those tracks were incredible and I have only the utmost respect for the individuals that choose to create their own path rather than follow the crowd.
Second (and more to the point of this post), a thought: "Some people never learn while others will never make the effort." Or a more familiar:
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice (and then a third time and a fourth time and for good measure a fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth time), shame on me for deliberately choosing to remain fucking ignorant!
So, my mother did it (like I and everyone else I knew she would), she bailed out the good-for-nothing, remorseless piece-of-shit. She did it yesterday and my only consolation is that I had no involvement--I wasn't even present--when she made yet another mistake clouded behind the precept of motherly love and obligation. I knew the moment she came into contact with him, it was over. Over in the sense that my lonely struggle to protect her from not only him but herself was done and over in the sense that I have lost a great deal of respect for her in that she would foolishly place others in this family at harm. Honestly, the piece-of-shit is a lowly drug pusher with a chip on his shoulder and the intelligence of a middle schooler. That sort of combination is terrifying in the sense that this piece-of-shit is incredibly likely to act out in a way that'll lead to pissing off the wrong people--the sort of people that can be just as remorseless but also incredibly ruthless.
It is with a great deal of remorse that I must say that I have lost so much respect for my mother and that damage she willingly inflicted upon myself and potentially others may be untenable. I truly loathe this feeling, but I cannot with good conscious believe in her anymore. I made a promise to myself to try and be more positive and avoid the negative, but this situation makes it clear that I'm only making more difficult on myself if I choose to continue on this path.