02 January 2016

2.190: Limitless Optimism

For 2016, I am going to try and focus my writing more.  In the past, I have typically written about nothing in particular.  In one post, I may vent and express personal outrage about something that has happened in my life while in another post; I would review (or try to review) a book, film, or television series.  In other words, I was all over the place in my writing and yet nowhere at all or to put it bluntly; I was clueless (or without purpose).

Over the next few weeks, I intend on expanding upon the Finding My Passion series of posts, but I am hellbent on identifying one to three topics in which I will focus most of my writing on in 2016 (or until I turn 33).  But, for now, I will continue expressing personal observations and writing about the technical aspects of this journal because this site is a personal archive of opinions and thoughts.  And who knows? This could be a good thing!

By the way, if you were wondering about some of the topics I am considering focusing on, here is an abridged list:  books, comics, films, music, sports, television, politics, gaming, anime, social issues, searching for employment, food, social media, and much more.  It is unnecessary to say it, but I have a lot of things to consider and not much time to consider it.  Wish me luck!