17 October 2015


No, this is not the final day wrap up post for AWA 2015.  Instead, today's post will focus on some more personal matters.  If September was a fantastic month personally, then October could easily be considered a terrible month personally.  It could be--if I let it be, but I'm making the conscious decision to not let it be a terrible month.  I realize that optimism is not my "thing" but in the face of growing negativity, I'm making the decision to embrace a more idealistic approach to my life and it starts with becoming more comfortable with me.  If I can't love myself (get your head out of the gutter), then who can love me?  I have a lot going for me, but I know that there is still plenty to be improved upon and this is what I'm going to focus on from here on out.  How can I make a good me better?

Am I happy with myself?  I am, but there's always room for improvement.  I believe I heard this (or something similar) before:  "Don't strive to be perfect because perfection is finite--strive for beyond." I have a lot of things that I want to do that will aid in the process of becoming the better me that I can be.  But, the most important is to become comfortable and happy with me.  I realize that I'm not making a lot of sense right now and that's because I'm incredibly tired and one of the things that I would like improve about me is getting into a routine sleep schedule in which I can sleep for at least six straight hours a night.  And to aid in this process, I'm going to end this post and make my way to sleep.  So, until next time, take care and DFTBA!