09 October 2015


So, I thought that I'd try something a bit different today. Rather than wait until the end of the day to post an update or draft a post and schedule it to post early the next day, I thought I'd draft a post now, a few minutes after having awakened, and see how it goes.  I'm able to do this because (1) no one else is at home and (2) I managed to work my way into being able to arriving at work later.  The obvious downside to posting so early in the morning (so early for me) is that I haven't done anything aside from sleep, but to be truthful, it's not as though I do anything particularly exciting during the course of the day anyways.  I suppose I could write about things that happened the day before or on subjects of interest to me, but I haven't quite figured it out yet and because of this; you get this--a single-sided, internal exposition on what I should discuss and how I'm going out of my way to post this update despite my already sporadic posting schedule.

This is how I work.  I do enjoy hearing myself speak and reading the words I type though I typically delete the words after I find them to be unsatisfactory to my own standards, but not in this particular scenario because I'm streaming my consciousness for the next few minutes until I begin preparing for the day.

I know I say this time and time again, but I really want to become more consistent in my posting schedule as well as come up with interesting things to post about on here.  Sadly, I'm an incredibly lazy person that has ridiculous standard for how a quality post should read and what a quality post should look like (I often struggle with simple things like whether to use the word "post" or "update").

On one hand, the purpose of this journal (or blog or site--again, the internal First World struggles are real) is to be a daily chronicle of my life--what I did, who I saw, how I felt, why I did, see and felt the way I did, etc.)--like an actual journal (or diary).  Yet, I want to do other things like write reviews despite have little to no knowledge on the technical aspects of producing a film (or movie), writing a book (though most likely it will be a graphic novel), or composing music (okay, I really don't listen to much music and I've only been to a handful of actual concerts outside of the ones held at conventions).  I would also love to write about politics because I have a background in it, but I have never been particularly verbal about my political beliefs because I'm terrible at public discourse--I lose my train of thought, I forget important points, and I tend to become too emotional thus losing the objective, logical perspective with which I strive to achieve.)

Well, I've rambled right up to my self-imposed time limit.  Until next time, take care and DFTBA!