26 January 2015


It is a half-hour past midnight and I AM PISSED!  And what I'm pissed at is the Tech Services department at work and their arrogance and their lack of responsiveness.  Honestly, I knew that I would reach a tipping point sooner rather than later, but I did not expect it to be this soon.  First, they removed my friend from his post and replaced him with another friend of mine as if to create some schism between the two. Fortunately, my displaced friend can roll with the punches much better than I can and their friendship remains intact (on the surface).  Second, is the manner in which they continue to deny my simple request of adding the new centralized Staff Council Gmail address into our global address book that would allow for simple access to users wishing to contact their representatives.  Third, is an extension of my second issue in that someone apparently did attempt to contact Staff Council, but rather than their message coming to our centralized Gmail account--it went into some group conversation that can only be seen by accessing one's e-mail account through a web browser.  Honestly, the aggravation that they have caused me over the past month is greater than at any point of my time in the system and I am PISSED!

I also hear that they are in the process of further making our work in Circulation more difficult by forcing us to not only log into Evergreen, but into our workstations so that they can track our activity...yeah, excuse me?  But, how does this actually improve the patron experience?  It doesn't, but I would like to hear them attempt to explain how it does because the monitoring of staff computer usage serves no other purpose than to create hostile workplace environment in which staffers become overly paranoid that a slip up could create some sort of issue pertaining to their job security.  Quite frankly, all of this is serving no other purpose than to rile me up and in truth, I'm more than game at this point.  Initially, when all of this came about, I kept my head down attempted to plant the seeds of rebellion quietly, but now; they've lit a fire under my ass and where I originally thought I should just leave this damned system--I must now save it for those that I consider my peers.  The first step is to gather intelligence--I'll lay low, but I'll be subverting them at every opportunity.  The game is afoot!