04 January 2015

1.192: #Controversial 1

Originally, I wanted to call this new feature, “This Might Be Controversial…”, but it was a bit too long for the side bar so I decided to go with #Controversial because the “in” thing to do with most anything is to hashtag it.

Anyway, the idea is that I write about a controversial topic of my choosing and well, that’s it.  It may be uninformed and may cause the loss of brain cells, but I’m going to speak (or more accurately, write) from the gut and leave it out there for me to regret later.

In case you were wondering, this idea came about a few months back as I was listening to a program on NPR.  In the program, an individual was telling a story about a writing course she taught and how in order to promote discourse the class created a game in which a student would state the phrase “This might be controversial but…” and then proceed to discuss a possibly unpopular opinion.

I thought it was a cool idea and here I am today with the first installment of #Controversial.

This might be controversial, but I believe that guns do kill people and they kill whole shitload of them.  Should people be permitted to possess firearms?  Sure, if they are planning to go into the wood and use that gun to bring home food.  But, if their intention for the firearm is “protection”, then my response is no.  A gun has no other use than to kill and unless you are planning kill for the sake of feasting upon the flesh of a lesser beast, then you should not have a gun.  Guns kill--they make it easier to kill and they make it easier to get killed.  But, the reality is that guns are readily available and already in the possessions of millions of individuals throughout this country and nothing will change that fact.  What can change is the ease with which individuals can ascertain a firearm.  It should be incredibly difficult to purchase an instrument of death and yet, it is not.  On any day in America, I could step into a gun shop and purchase a firearm and ammunition and all that would be expected of me is the completion of some menial paperwork and brief screening period in order to assure that I am not a convict.  Or, if I am a convict, I could attend one of the many fine firearms trade shows that take place in my area and purchase a firearm from one of the many purveyors of death without the screening.  It is these sorts of loopholes that make our current gun control legislation next to useless.

Now, one would think with the multiple instances of mass gun-related deaths on our school campuses and in the workplace would serve as a wake up call to take action to limit access to these devices of death, but that is not the case thanks to terroristic organizations like the National Rifle Association that believe owning a fucking gun is more important than the lives of innocent children.  The same organization that parades around with a logo similar to the seals of our armed services as though they were some sort of civilian militia.  This organization who frightens lawmakers with threats of smear campaigns aimed toward removing them from office if they choose to go against their whims.  This organization that uses illogical, straw man arguments to confuse and mislead average citizens into valuing a couple of chunks of metal that serve no other purpose than to cause grave harm.  It is because of disgusting organizations like the NRA that we continue to hear countless stories of needless, easy death because they can spin a good tale about how for some messed up reasoning we are entitled to guns.

Owning a gun is not a right, but being able to live freely without fear that some overzealous idiot with a short-temper or one too many drinks will shoot me to death is one. Sadly, they have convinced lawmakers and many civilians otherwise and for what reason at this point other than stroke their egos knowing that in this regard they control the discourse.  Sure, there are many ways to die and be killed, but guns make it much easier to do it and thus guns kill people.