05 January 2015

1.193: Shite Book Reviews #2

Daredevil, Volume 4
Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, Michael Allred
Some time had elapsed between the readings of Volumes 3 and 4, but I had enough of a recollection of the previous volume to understand the happenings of this volume.  To be frank, it is often difficult to follow up an adventure involving Dr. Doom and the Avengers with a story involving a “C-List” villain (as described by Daredevil) and the falling out of his friendship with longtime friend and partner, Foggy Nelson.  Perhaps, this is a critical turning point for a major change in the Daredevil story, but it didn’t quite strike me as being as important as it may or may not be.

In truth, I did manage to learn a few more things about a character that, for the most part, I knew little about aside from his guest appearances in the Spider-man animated series of the 90s and the terrible feature-length film starring Ben Affleck.  And that right there was enough for this volume to garner an additional star in my rating of the book.  Hopefully, the book picks up the pace in the next couple of volumes because I have enjoyed most of this run by Mark Waid.

Goodreads Rating:  3 Stars (Out of 5 Stars)