15 August 2014

Year 1, Day 50, Part II

Is this personal journal or an online soap box?  I don’t know.  While the basic idea of this site is to serve as an everlasting digital chronicle of my life, I also have opinions that need to be expressed not because my opinions have any value beyond this site, but because I need to simply get them off my chest.  Tonight, I’m in the mood share my opinions and I because I promised multiple updates, here we go:

What’s happened/happening in Ferguson, MO is absurd. A young, unarmed black man is gun-downed by a police officer and it takes nearly a week before the police name the officer responsible and when they finally make a statement on the matter; the police attempt to (1) justify the officer’s actions and (2) assassinate the character of the victim.  In case the authorities were wondering, it’s not the potential cause of the incident that has people protesting on the streets; it’s the fact that an unarmed man was shot to death.  Of course, law enforcement officials have done little to alleviate the situation, especially, when one sees reports of the use of aggressive force against protesters and the unwarranted arrests of two journalists covering the events in Ferguson.  Sadly, this is just another incident in a series of incidents.  Perhaps, I’ll expand upon my opinion in a future update, but for now, one can only hope that some semblance of justice will prevail.

And now, for something much more positive:  the Barclays Premier League returns tomorrow!  Manchester United and Swansea City kick off the new season at 7:45 AM/EDT.  For United supporters, it’s the start of yet another new era as Louis Van Gaal will look to rebuild and return the squad to glory.

Anyway, I feel like this has drug on long enough and while I did promise a new #ShiteMovieReview; it may need to wait till tomorrow or Sunday.