But, the fact of the matter is that I'm not an inherently bad individual; I just happen to be an overly selfish individual.
I believe this is the case for all individuals, but it just so happens to be exceptionally more apparent within me.
I try to mask my self-centered and selfish nature through self-degrading humor, but it still manages to shine through brightly.
Would I like to be more selfless? Maybe, but as I have pointed out in the past, if I don't watch out for myself, who will?
My selfishness is built upon the notion of self-preservation. I take action in the best interest of me.
I cast away things like relationships with other people because it takes too much of a personal investment.
An investment that reaps very little good in regards to me and my well-being, but anyway; I suppose that's all I have to say on the matter.
In truth, I wanted to discuss my ongoing struggle with overcoming a personal burden--a burden in an incredibly cute pink dress--but I know that it is best to simply ignore it or at least, give it little credence unless I get crushed by that avoidable burden once again. In truth, there are more important things to worry about and be burdened by.