I had an odd sleep cycle last night and when I returned home and slept. I also had a momentary lapse of proper sense this morning at the gas pump when I was incapable of making my digital Kroger Plus card to work at the pump; the worst part of that incident was the fact that I had my aunt's physical card in my wallet and I did not remember that fact until after I had started refueling my tank.
I downloaded Plants vs. Zombies 2 for the iPhone and well, it is slowly raising my blood pressure and stress levels. I'm also becoming increasingly impatient with the Family Guy game I downloaded last weekend.
Tomorrow, a couple of coworkers and I are heading down to the Atlanta Comic Convention. One of my coworkers has set aside a budget of $200 for the event. Personally, I might spend between $5-$10--depending on whether or not I can find some cool $1 issues. Personally, it's a nice day trip into the city to relax and maybe prep the others for Dragon Con though I know that they are nothing alike.
Well, it's back to PvsZ2 for me.