First, I want to say that I don’t know sh*t about movies—I watch movies and then I judge movies and that’s the extent of my movie knowledge. I will typically review will newer theatrical releases though my reviews will usually occur a few weeks after the release date (with the exception of this review since I saw it on opening day). As for ratings, there will be no stars, thumbs or scores instead I'll judge a film on whether or not it was worth the price of admission I paid to see it (which if you're wondering is typically $10.50). I should also let it be known that the genres of movies I watch are narrow since (I don’t do horror or ultra-violent movies). So, without any further delay, here is my first “Shite Movie Review”:
Guardians of the Galaxy
I had a blast watching this movie. It was action-packed, it was funny, and it even had some touching moments. Guardians is one of the best movies, if not, the best, Marvel Studios released to date. Visually, it was amazing and I cannot wait to see all of the incredible cosplay that will come from this movie. Also, the soundtrack for the movie was filled with all types of nostalgic tracks and added so much to the movie. So, was it worth the price of admission?
YES, it was the price of admission and then some. I pay $10.50 at the theater that I normally go and watch movies at, but I would just as gladly spend a few extra dollars at some of the more expensive theaters located further south on I-985.