As some of you may or may not know, I have been unemployed for about five months now. Initially, I joked about my predicament going so far as to call it "fun-employment". At the time, I found comfort in the following assumptions: (1) I would easily find a new job, especially, because there was open position at a local library that is managed by the same individual that hired me at my previous library position and (2) if I did not get the position; I would be eligible for unemployment benefits. Of course, neither of these things worked out: I did not even receive a call in for an interview while an acquaintance of mine (a former part-time library co-worker that I actually trained) did receive an interview request (which he turned down because he had already accepted another position at the local state prison) and I was refused unemployment assistance because it was determined that I was at fault for my termination despite the fact that I was not afforded a proper opportunity to explain my side of the story (the Department of Labor reviewer made it clear through her tone and persistent requests for terse responses that she had no interest in hearing my case and had already determined how she would side). I will not lie about the fact that I am still bitter about both incidences, but there is no point in continuing to dwell upon my past errors in judgment. Rather, I have decided to take an opportunity to simply say that the search for employment continues and while the pace at which I am submitting applications and resumes is well below what one would expect from an individual in dire straits; I can only hope that something turns around for me sooner rather than later.
To be honest, I am uncertain of why I am writing this post aside from perhaps providing an update on my situation. This is not a plea for pity because I have no desire to be pitied by anyone. Instead, I believe it is simply a matter of me wanting to write and having nothing better to write about.
Now, in a completely unrelated note: Have you had an opportunity to see the new Columbus Crew kits? Well, here it is (as modeled by MF Tony Tchani, left, and FW Kei Kamara, right):
My initial reaction: "Wow, what a bold...choice?" First, let's take a moment to commend the designers of this kit for attempting something different, but let's also take a moment to say that this design was a nice gesture that was executed horribly. The kit is dubbed as the "For Columbus" kit and the designers drew their inspiration from the city of Columbus's flag, but at some point during the creative process; the designers decided to have one too many adult beverages and this led to a hangover that was never fully remedied.
Also, in one more soccer kit-related note (or more accurately, inquiry): Who decided that it was a good idea to have New York City FC's secondary kits share a color scheme that is similar to that of the New York Mets? I only ask because I could have sworn that NYCFC played its matches at Yankee Stadium. Again, I'm curious.
To be honest, I am uncertain of why I am writing this post aside from perhaps providing an update on my situation. This is not a plea for pity because I have no desire to be pitied by anyone. Instead, I believe it is simply a matter of me wanting to write and having nothing better to write about.
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Now, in a completely unrelated note: Have you had an opportunity to see the new Columbus Crew kits? Well, here it is (as modeled by MF Tony Tchani, left, and FW Kei Kamara, right):
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SOURCE: Twitter | @TonyTchani23 |
Also, in one more soccer kit-related note (or more accurately, inquiry): Who decided that it was a good idea to have New York City FC's secondary kits share a color scheme that is similar to that of the New York Mets? I only ask because I could have sworn that NYCFC played its matches at Yankee Stadium. Again, I'm curious.