31 December 2014

1.88B: Something Positive

I suppose I could have ended 2014 in a somber manner, but even I couldn’t deny that there were some positive moments amidst the negativity expressed within my previous update.

For starters, I became close acquaintance with a couple of coworkers.  We frequently have dinner, watch movies and plan trips together.  In September of 2015, we are going to be going to Dragon Con for the entire weekend and we are actually staying at one of the host hotels—that’s crazy cool.

Speaking of movies, I had the opportunity to go see a number of really incredible and some not so incredible films this past year.  I’m not sure how to explain it, but there is just something special about watching a movie in a theater that I really enjoy.

I also, thanks to the aforementioned acquaintances from above, was able to really get into comic books (or more accurately, graphic novels).  Aside from going to Dragon Con, my acquaintances and I went to two Atlanta Comic Conventions where I had an opportunity to purchase some cool graphic novels at great prices.  Along with the conventions, we made trips to comic shops and they gave me the motivation to go ahead make a commitment to be more engaged in the comic community.

Also, in 2014, I found myself in position longer than any other position I have ever held.  Two-plus years in the library and despite the individuals I referenced in my previous update, I truly enjoy the actual job.  I can almost certainly say that I can see myself as a librarian for the foreseeable future.  As for whether or not, I plan on going back to school to earn a MLS degree—it is still up in the air.

Anyway, 2014 has had a number of ups and downs. I first give you the downs and now, the ups—all I can do now is wait to see what the upcoming year has in store for me.  It seems truly clichĂ© and a bit overplayed, but see you next year and (I have forgotten this for some time) DFTBA.