31 December 2014

1.188: Lessons from 2014

In a matter of a few hours, 2014 will end and 2015 will begin and with the close of every year, I thought I would take some time to discuss some of the lessons I have learned from the past year.

Lesson #1:
I don’t have to like you personally in order for me to work with you, but if you prove to be a burden on me or your other coworkers; then I will truly resent you.  For the better part of the latter part of the year, I have found myself growing increasingly frustrated by a growing number of my coworkers and while I still enjoy my job; I’m slowly growing out of like with many of my peers.  From blatant laziness to outright subversion, I’m learning that the number of coworkers I can trust are far fewer than the ones I mistrust.  Perhaps, it is my own fault that I have lowered my guard around these individuals, but at the same time; I am trying my hardest to get on with my peers.  In truth, I believe in the year ahead, I am going to have to reexamine my workplace relationships and adjust my handling of certain coworkers.  I realize that this sounds horrid, but if I am to advance my own goals; I am going to have to stay ahead of the game.

Lesson #2
Always manage one’s expectations because more often than not, managed expectations will lead to pleasant surprises when one’s expectations are met or exceeded.  The finest example of this lesson from the past year would be the Carolina Panthers.  Going into the season many experts picked the defending NFC South Division Champions to finish third in the division behind Atlanta and New Orleans and look at what happened:  the Panthers repeated as division winners with a 7-8-1 (they didn’t even have a winning record!)  The same could be said of Manchester United.  Sure, there were some hardcore supporters that always select the Red Devils to win the Premier League, but given the results of the previous campaign and the changing of the guard (yet again) at the managerial position and one could easily say that they would need at least one campaign if not two to gather their footing and return to the form that supporters are accustomed to seeing.  But, look at the Red Devils:  they sit in third place and are favorites to return to the UEFA Champions League during the next campaign.  All of these things were a pleasant surprise because I managed my expectations and kept them reasonable in my opinion.

Lesson #3
I’m going to be lonely for the remainder of my life and I will die alone.  In truth, everyone dies alone—you may die at approximately the same time, but the end result is that you pass on from this life alone and you return to stars alone or from a psychological standpoint (is it psychological?); you’re no longer conscious of whether or not you’re alone.  Anyway, that’s not the point I was getting at in this lesson.  Basically, I’m going to be a single male for the rest of my life.  I’m 31 years old and to date I have been in no meaningful relationships and the only physical relationship I’ve been a party to was just physical.  For anyone that has read a decent number of my updates, you would know that for some time now I had been smitten with a coworker, Emily, and despite my many vague and veiled attempts to gauge her thoughts on me; I have come to the conclusion that my adoration for her is unrequited.  In truth, at one point, she was becoming such a distraction that in for me to move on; I needed to loathe her and that may still be the way to go about it.  I can’t deny that I still hold on to my unrequited feelings, but I slowly accepting that I need to let it go by any means necessary.  Now, this isn’t to say that Emily was the only person for me—I’m most certain she isn’t—but I’m just not interested in playing this game though I was never really an active participant.  I’ve been hurt on a number of occasions and truthfully, I hate feeling shitty about myself unless I’m the one inflicted the anguish.

Anyway, those are the lessons I have learned from the past year.  If they sound depressing, it is because they are depressing.  I’m not always a miserable individual, but it does seem as though a significant segment of my life is mired in some sort of negativity.  But, on a more positive note, I do persevere and continue to exist.  Perhaps, things will change in the New Year, but given my track record; I wouldn’t count on it.