20 September 2014
Year 1, Day 86
I'm posting from my iPhone again but today is slightly different because I'm using this new app that allows me to type by simply sliding my fingers around the keyboard. I'm still not that good with it but I'm slowly getting the hang of it and it's actually really fun. There's a few things that take getting used to but I'm sure that I'll get it before too soon. Anyway I've been slacking in the posting department but I hope to get back in the swing of things sooner rather than later. I'm less than a week away from Anime Weekend Atlanta and too be honest the biggest concern for me is whether or not I want to add a night prior to or following the convention. I know that I don't have the money either way but I'm at the point where I am just going to say screw it and I'll worry about it later. I hate that I have to live in perpetual debt but that's my life and I'll have to clean it up after the fact. A lot of things have been happening in my life as of late and I may eventually get around to discussing it sooner or later but it isn't happening today.