10 September 2014

Year 1, Day 76

I have to make this quick since I lost track of time watching YouTube videos.

Anyways, here's what I've got:
1) I'm pretty sure that I hate that co-worker that I thought I loved. Yes, it does seem a rather extreme route to take for getting over something, but fuck it. She's a bitch--not for never returning my feelings but because she's a two-faces bitch.

2) I came up with an equation that explains my attitude (okay, maybe I didn't come up with up but who cares): give a fuck minus give a fuck equals zero fucks given.

3) This post may actually run longer than I thought since I actually have some shit to talk about today.

4) I'm cussing a lot in today's post, but who the fuck cares? Nobody reads this shit anyways.

5) I love Hannah Hart, but no way is she funnier than Ryan Higa and crew. Just saying, but I do enjoy both their channels immensely.

6) There are some really ignorant motherfuckers in this world and sadly, some come through my workplace.

I think that's enough for tonight and I hope I won't forget to post tomorrow.