26 September 2014

Year 1, Day 92

Today is the day.  Today is the first day of Anime Weekend Weekend.  Come noon, anime otaku from across Georgia and the Southeastern United States will converge in Smyrna for a weekend of fun and excitement (or so we hope).  Of course, rather than sleeping, I have decided to procrastinate in my preparations and instead update my iPhone and post this update.  I will admit that I am a bit anxious yet at the same time I am assured and confident that the weekend will be good (it always is). A few things occurred today, but I believe I am going to put my blinders on and focus instead on the convention.

Following the convention, I can focus on the other things at hand like a two-night training seminar in Bainbridge (a 4.5-hour drive from HQ), establishing my staff council agenda, and so forth.  Anyway, I hope to be able to keep up to date while at the convention, but it will most likely be on my tumblr site:  johnpast30.tumblr.com. I have a long night and weekend ahead of me, but maybe I will see you on the otherside.

25 September 2014

Year 1, Day 91

It's been awhile since I last struggled with falling asleep but here I am struggling to fall asleep. My updates have become more sporadic over the past few weeks and I have no one to blame but me. Anyway, a quick update and then I'll try to fall asleep again: Anime Weekend Atlanta is tomorrow and while it'll be a nice break; I'm beginning to wonder if it might be more trouble than it's worth. I might try to do some posting while at the convention but it will most likely be on Tumble.

Well, I better try to get to sleep now.

21 September 2014

Year 1, Day 87

It seems as thought my grand experiment with Swift Type is over for now because of an issue I can't seem to find a solution to.

Anyway, Manchester United were humiliated by newly promoted side Leicester.

The Atlanta Braves were eliminated from postseason contention.

And the Carolina Panthers are embarrassing themselves on Sunday Night Football.

The only team that won were the Georgia Bulldogs, but they were playing Troy State.

20 September 2014

Year 1, Day 86

I'm posting from my iPhone again but today is slightly different because I'm using this new app that allows me to type by simply sliding my fingers around the keyboard. I'm still not that good with it but I'm slowly getting the hang of it and it's actually really fun. There's a few things that take getting used to but I'm sure that I'll get it before too soon. Anyway I've been slacking in the posting department but I hope to get back in the swing of things sooner rather than later. I'm less than a week away from Anime Weekend Atlanta and too be honest the biggest concern for me is whether or not I want to add a night prior to or following the convention. I know that I don't have the money either way but I'm at the point where I am just going to say screw it and I'll worry about it later. I hate that I have to live in perpetual debt but that's my life and I'll have to clean it up after the fact. A lot of things have been happening in my life as of late and I may eventually get around to discussing it sooner or later but it isn't happening today.

17 September 2014

Year 1, Day 83

I'm getting screwed by the GADOR over my tax filings in 2010. This puts an incredible strain on my already tight budget, but I'll figure it out in the end.

16 September 2014

Year 1, Day 82

Quick Shots:
I'm not sure where I stand on the Adrian Peterson issue.

The Braves are bad and the name of the new stadium is even worse: SunTrust Stadium.

15 September 2014

Year 1, Day 81

Quick Shots:

YES, Danny Ferry and the scout that wrote that analysis of Luol Deng should be fired. Then again, I hate the owners of the Hawks and think they should all go away.

YES, I do believe that Manchester United can finish in the top four of the Premier League. Hell, if they play like they did against QPR, then they can win the title.

Anyway, that's all for now. Bye

14 September 2014

Year 1, Day 80

I'm lazy.

I know this fact and I do nothing.

I'm irresponisible and I do nothing.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out a means of motivating myself to achieve anything.

Look at this site for example--it's rubbish!

The updates are infrequent, the layout is amateurish, and the lack of topics is just confusing.

I want to be better, but it is so difficult for me.

11 September 2014

Year 1, Day 77

It seems as though the only time I post from an actual desktop is when I am at the library and even then I have to be wary of the possible issues that may arrive from posting updates from my place of employment. It is not as though I am posting anything inappropriate, but I (see yesterday's update) tend to vent personal frustrations stemming from the workplace.  So, in order to avoid any personal issues, I thought I would take this opportunity to write about some other issues that have me thinking.

Ray Rice - This guy is dirty and if he does not ever play in the league again, it is of his own doing and his wife should realize that fact.  Of course, if Roger Goodell stays on as commissioner of the league; he will be suiting up next season for Dan Snyder and the team from Washington D.C. with the derogatory name and it would be a perfect fit.

Roger Goodell - This man is trash. With Goodell, it is profit over people and following this debacle with Rice; he needs to go.

Now, I know given my statements yesterday, I sound like a hypocrite and I admit it.  But, I would never strike a women (unless for some reason, I was forced to in a sanctioned boxing or MMA fight, but that's not happening anytime soon).  Believe it or not, I do believe in the feminist movement and I believe in treating women in a manner they deserve.

I understand that I have a long ways to go to improve myself, but I am trying.

10 September 2014

Year 1, Day 76

I have to make this quick since I lost track of time watching YouTube videos.

Anyways, here's what I've got:
1) I'm pretty sure that I hate that co-worker that I thought I loved. Yes, it does seem a rather extreme route to take for getting over something, but fuck it. She's a bitch--not for never returning my feelings but because she's a two-faces bitch.

2) I came up with an equation that explains my attitude (okay, maybe I didn't come up with up but who cares): give a fuck minus give a fuck equals zero fucks given.

3) This post may actually run longer than I thought since I actually have some shit to talk about today.

4) I'm cussing a lot in today's post, but who the fuck cares? Nobody reads this shit anyways.

5) I love Hannah Hart, but no way is she funnier than Ryan Higa and crew. Just saying, but I do enjoy both their channels immensely.

6) There are some really ignorant motherfuckers in this world and sadly, some come through my workplace.

I think that's enough for tonight and I hope I won't forget to post tomorrow.

08 September 2014

Year 1, Day 74

Farewell Monday.

I paid off the rest of my auto insurance.
I prepared lunch and then forgot it, but the bacon cheese Krystal burgers were good because of the ratio of bacon to Krystal patty; ill that I had to pay for lunch.

There's more but I can't be bothered at this moment.

07 September 2014

Year 1, Day 73

The first weekend of fantasy football is well underway and following the day's happening: it looks as though I'm on my to win.

I cut the grass and helped my aunt get her CPR/First Aid certification renewed. I'm beat.

05 September 2014

Year 1, Day 71

I have waited too long once more and now, I am tired.  But, to be honest, I am certain that I had little of importance to speak on.

As I mentioned yesterday, my plans for Dragon Con 2015 have been set and it is going to set my budget for the next year.

Simply reserving a room of the host hotels has given me such a greater appreciation of the affordability of "my" convention, Anime Weekend Atlanta.

I suppose it is a good thing that we have decided to go ahead with this plan because it gives me an entire year to properly plan and save.

As of now, I am waiting on my new credit card to arrive so that I can go ahead and pay for the remainder of my car insurance bill, pay for a four-day Dragon Con membership and pay for the hotel for this year's AWA.

Perhaps, I should consider taking up a hermit lifestyle.

04 September 2014

Year 1, Day 70

I know that I have yet to write anything formal about my day at Dragon Con, but that post will have to wait as I have yet to upload any of my photographs from that day.  I will say that planning for Dragon Con 2015 is underway and we already have a room booked at the Hyatt.

A quick update to yesterday's post, I am feeling much better after I finally got some sleep--my head is clear and my eyes are no longer running.  I was afraid that I might have finally needed to use Sick Leave, but I was able to avoid it.

Another topic that I yet to discuss in-depth was Manchester United's transfer period transactions.  So, here we go:
  • The jury is still out on Ander Herrera since he has been injured for the most part during this early part of the season.
  • I think we overpaid for Luke Shaw, but that tends to happen in England for English players.
  • Is Marco Rojo even going to get a chance to put on his United kit?
  • Angel Di Maria while talented and certainly a positive addition to United was not worth the amount that United paid for him.
  • Daley Blind could be a something special, especially, since he will be working under Louis Van Gaal, his former national team coach.
  • Radamel Falcao was a remarkable coup for United, but his arrival signaled the departures of Chicharito and Danny Welbeck (Welbeck's departure was personal gut check and decisive end to any claims that United is capable of developing talent through its academy).
I suppose LVG has a plan, but his plan apparently, does not involve addressing the side's needs in central defense or midfield.  Now, do not get things twisted--I will remain loyal to the Red Devils--I'm just interested in seeing where all of this spending take the club.

03 September 2014

Year 1, Day 69

Feeling rather ill at the moment. Going to try and rest now. See you tomorrow?

02 September 2014

Year 1, Day 68

The first day back from any extended period of closure is difficult. For one reason or another, our patrons fail to grasp the concept of: "You're books will never be due on a day in which the library is closed." I could further complain about the ignorance of our patrons, but what would be the point? No matter how much you publicize a closure, there will still be those that will remain ignorant of it. If I sound annoyed, it is because I am, but not for the reasons implied in my preceding sentences. I'm annoyed at my ongoing financial struggles--annoyed at the fact this could have been avoided if only I had some restraint. Honestly, it's not my desire to be so whiny, but we all need to vent my frustrations and this is the medium I have chosen.

01 September 2014

Year 1, Day 67

I'm disappointed with United's decision to not only sell off Danny Welbeck, a lifelong supporter of the club and an academy product, but to sell him to a league rival, Arsenal.

I know that following the signings of Di Maria and Falcao there was no longer a place for him within United's attack, but why make a move for Falcao when what the side needed was a central defender?

Yes, Falcao is a remarkably talented goal scorer, but he is coming off a major knee injury that not only ended his club season early last year but hampered his role at the World Cup.

I suppose the attack was lacking and there is a possibly that RVP may have his own major knee procedure, but it still irks me. Perhaps, because I want to believe that United are above just buying a side a la City.

But, I am wrong and I need to face the fact that days of youth academy development is no longer a critical part of the plans for clubs as large United.