1) The migration of John Past 30 to Tumblr is DEAD! (for now.)
I do enjoy Tumblr but the platform is too socially-driven for the purpose of this project. John Past 30 is a personal project I embarked upon to (1) document certain events in my life for future reference, (2) provide a platform from which I could vent my personal frustrations, and (3) allow me to express opinions on a wide-range of topics that interest me. John Past 30 is not meant for mass consumption because it is, quite frankly, terrible reading and it is not meant as something to be sought after but rather stumbled upon. And unfortunately, Tumblr is not that sort of platform. Now, I do have a Tumblr that goes by the same name but as of now; there is no longer anything posted to it. But, I may change that in the future too or I may cross-publish certain posts from here to there (and vice versa).
2) I am still clueless as to the status of the "regular columns" I had been drafting and publishing prior to my life becoming flipped, turned-over and upside-down.
In regards to John Past 30, that is all I have to share at the moment. In regards to life, I am still becoming accustomed to working overnight as evidence by the current time and the fact that I was off tonight. I have been feeling slightly annoyed by my new position but I hope to sort it all out sooner rather than later. This weekend is my birthday weekend and I intend of enjoying myself and not worrying about SecureStraps for the duration of the weekend. Anyways, that is all I have for now!