27 June 2016

3.1: Pitch Notes [06.27.16]


1) Chile wins second straight Copa America; Messi announces international retirement

After a month of matches, the special edition Copa America Centenario concluded with a rematch of the 2015 Copa America Final:  Chile versus Argentina. And like 2015, Chile prevailed over Lionel Messi and La Albiceleste in penalties following another scoreless 120+ minutes of play. In fact, Chile almost prevailed by the same penalty shootout scoreline as the year before except Argentina managed to convert one additional penalty attempt, 4:2.

So, congratulations to Chile for winning the Copa America Centenario!

As for the second part of the preceding header, Lionel Messi shockingly announced his retirement from international competition during a post-match interview. From Grant Wahl, Sports Illustrated and FOX Sports contributor:
To be honest, many supporters of the beautiful game including myself hope that this is merely the emotions of the moment getting the best of Messi but if this is indeed the end for Messi with La Albiceleste, then:
Thank you to Lionel Messi for an amazing international career and for allowing us the opportunity to witness your remarkable skills and talent. The free kick you scored against the United States in the semifinal match of the Copa America Centenario was simply fantastic (or as Ray Hudson would say: magisterial).

2) USMNT falls to Colombia, again, in consolation match; finishes fourth at Copa 100

For the USMNT, Copa 100 ended in the same manner it started; losing to Colombia, 0:1. Following their four-goal dismantling at the feet of Messi and Argentina in the semifinal match, the USMNT looked to secure their highest finish in a major international competition. (Sorry Gold Cup) Unfortunately, I was unable to watch the match but the USMNT failed to rectify their loss from the opening match of the tournament.

In my opinion, the USMNT could (and should) count Copa 100 as a successful tournament. Yes, the USMNT did lose three matches by a combined scoreline of 0:7 but they also won three consecutive matches: Costa Rica (4:0), Paraguay (1:0), and Ecuador (2:1)--a combined scoreline of 7:1. On another note, the USMNT did finish the tournament having advanced further than any other CONCACAF side and by not being humiliated by seven goals in one match (See Mexico vs. Chile).

For the USMNT, the focus returns to World Cup qualifying with two matches in September: 09.02 at Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and 09.06 versus Trinidad and Tobago. At present, the USMNT sits in second place in Group 3 with seven points from four matches and lead third-place Guatemala by a single point.

26 June 2016

Year 30 (Plus Three)

Today marks the start of a new year in my life (and subsequently, a new year of John Past 30) but before I begin this new year, allow me a moment to properly bid farewell to "Year 30+2":

22 June 2016

2.362: Update [06/22/16]

1) The migration of John Past 30 to Tumblr is DEAD! (for now.)

I do enjoy Tumblr but the platform is too socially-driven for the purpose of this project. John Past 30 is a personal project I embarked upon to (1) document certain events in my life for future reference, (2) provide a platform from which I could vent my personal frustrations, and (3) allow me to express opinions on a wide-range of topics that interest me. John Past 30 is not meant for mass consumption because it is, quite frankly, terrible reading and it is not meant as something to be sought after but rather stumbled upon. And unfortunately, Tumblr is not that sort of platform. Now, I do have a Tumblr that goes by the same name but as of now; there is no longer anything posted to it. But, I may change that in the future too or I may cross-publish certain posts from here to there (and vice versa).

2) I am still clueless as to the status of the "regular columns" I had been drafting and publishing prior to my life becoming flipped, turned-over and upside-down.

In regards to John Past 30, that is all I have to share at the moment. In regards to life, I am still becoming accustomed to working overnight as evidence by the current time and the fact that I was off tonight. I have been feeling slightly annoyed by my new position but I hope to sort it all out sooner rather than later. This weekend is my birthday weekend and I intend of enjoying myself and not worrying about SecureStraps for the duration of the weekend. Anyways, that is all I have for now!

17 June 2016

3.357: Update [06/17/16]

The past week of my life has been chaotic. Last Monday (06/06/16), I started my new position at a local medical manufacturing plant and since I started, I have logged about 65 hours of work though my paycheck reflects only 41.25 hours of work (an issue that I intend to have resolved quickly). So, much of my last week was graveyard-shift work and recovery. In fact, I did not have my first day off until Sunday (06/12/16) and even then, I was unable to relax because of issues involving the troll and now, his "ho". I know that I have said in the past that I would ignore the troll but when the issue of domestic violence rears its ugly head into the situation; one should act and I did (sort of). In truth, I should have called law enforcement but my mother would not permit me to do so despite the clearly terrified state of the troll's "ho" and the continued verbal threats being made by the troll in the direction of anyone in sight. At this point, I am done with the troll, his "ho", and my mother because I will not be party to any sort of physical abuse, especially, toward those weaker than the abuser. But, I will say that I affirmed what I already knew and that is that the troll is a scared, petulant brat. The troll is terrified at the prospect of going to prison (as any rational creature should be) but rather than tone down its behavior and rhetoric; it lashes out with comments about not being scared of anyone when it is actually the complete opposite. The troll's issue with the world at large does not stem from the lack of people ignorant enough to actually care about its self-inflicted plight but rather from the fact that it has warped sense that the world is out to "get it" that is most likely induced by drug use. Personally, I do not care--I tried to help in the past and all I got in return was this petulant creature that exists only to bring trouble to the people and things around it; so I must remove it from my presence.

Anyways, I went off on a tangent. As for work, I am confused and I am exhausted. I am confused as to my actual assignment at the plant and I am exhausted because I have been working an absurd amount of overtime for a new hire. Obviously, the dramatic shift in my internal clock has not helped matters but I can at least report that despite my bouts with drowsiness yesterday and Monday morning; I have been fairly alert while on duty. I will also say this about the position, it has definitely reinvigorated my desire to find another position expediently. I am not saying that the position is difficult or bad but (1) the overnight shift is NOT for me and (2) there are far too many I know that work at the plant already and I do not want to see them or let them see me during this difficult segment of my professional life.

In site-related news, I am very close to accepting the idea of posting all of my new content over to my Tumblr account. Now, I would still keep this site available for "archival" purposes but anything I write about or images I share would be posted to my Tumblr. I had tried this before but it fell flat even though I still like Tumblr as a blogging and social interaction platform. Of course, it could come to nothing but if I do decide to take the plunge, then it would start on the first day of Year 3. In other words, I only have a few days to decide. Anyways, I think that this is all for now--I have a resume and cover letter to compose!

06 June 2016

2.346: The Insomnia Experiment

In an attempt to "reset" (or "adjust") my internal "clock", I am currently in the process of inducing insomnia.

My hope is that by refusing to sleep during the night, I will be able to (1) acclimate my body to my new employment schedule and (2) sleep for a long period of time during the day.

As of 23:50 EDT, I am already struggling.

Anyways, I hope to turn this experiment into a positive (and productive) experience by drafting additional posts for publishing and completing cover letters, resumes and applications for library positions.

So, keep an eye out for more posts and happenings!

05 June 2016

2.345: Return to Normal?

I wish I could say that this was the post where I declare that everything was returning to normal but I cannot.

To be honest, what is normal? My posting schedule has always been erratic and it is much more common for me to allow for long periods of time to pass between posts than it is for me to post daily.

I am not saying that I am giving up on providing consistent content but I find myself at yet another crossroad about what I want from this blog (or journal or web site or whatever I want to call this thing).

Of course, I tend to get this way around the end of another online anniversary because I feel as though I am not accomplishing what I want to accomplish (even though I have no clue as to what it is I wish to accomplish).

Anyways, pardon my externalized internal conflict. There have been a lot of things happening in my life at the moment and I'm not sure of anything at the moment.

04 June 2016

2.344: A New Day

In just a few short hours, it will have been a week since my grandfather passed away.

At this time last week, I was likely seated beside my grandfather watching a United States men's national team match--clueless about what was to come. And in about an hour or so, it will mark the approximate time in which I last stood within the presence of my grandfather while he was alive. At 12:12 AM EDT on Sunday, May 29, 2016, my grandfather left this world.

To be honest, I do not have many regrets about the final days and weeks of my grandfather's life except one: I regret having not said good bye to him as I left to return home that night. Despite understanding the gravity of the situation concerning his declining health, I still took for granted the time he had left in this world. In my mind, I would be back the next day to seat by his side and that by some miracle, he would muster the strength needed to recover long enough for him to say that he refused to die at this moment and that he wanted to live but I realize that this was not likely.

Immediately following his passing, I decided that I could not become emotional and that I needed to remain an apathetic and resolute stalwart for my family and yet, all I did was become isolated and withdrawn. In some part, it was my own laziness that prevented me from taking a larger role in the preparation of the nearly week-long funeral ceremonies and in other parts; it was my unwillingness to expose myself to the reality that we were about to cremate my grandfather and that he would no longer be among us anymore--forever.

In truth, I'm not certain if anybody in my family has really considered the effects the passing of my grandfather will have on our family because everyone involved has been so preoccupied with hosting, prepping, and cleaning for the past week. But now, everything is done and all we have now is a future in which my grandfather is gone. Undoubtedly, the individual that his passing will effect the most is his daughter--my aunt--because she has dedicated the better part of the past decade or so to caring for him and now: an empty room and bed that her father--my grandfather--once occupied and incredible amount of medical products and equipment with no purpose. Of course, it is not just her that will be effected by my grandfather's passing. I could go on and on about the details involving my family's dynamics with one another but I don't feel as though that would serve any purpose.

As for me, I will finally start my new job Monday. One of the more odd things to come out of this situation is that I managed to find myself in a new position with a higher pay rate without having worked a single minute. Perhaps, it is some sort of blessing but more likely, it was coincidence--a coincidence that I see no reason to question at this point. Of course, I want to still work in a library at some point down the line but I feel like that goal is becoming more unrealistic with each passing day. It is a new day for my family and I and while I want to believe it will be a better day; I remain cautious.

01 June 2016

2.341: Update [6.1]

At the moment, I am procrastinating. Rather than prepare a eulogy for my grandfather's funeral service tomorrow (6/2), I am drafting this post.

Before I continue, I should say that my grandfather passed away on Sunday (5/29) morning at approximately 00:12 EDT; he was 85 years old.

In the days following my grandfather's passing, our family has been swept up in endless activities which is customary for Buddhist households of Lao and/or Thai decent.

Anyways, I'm going to keep this update short since I really need to focus on drafting this eulogy.