23 December 2015

2.180: Airing of Grievances

Less than ten minutes before the conclusion of Festivus and while I have no pole nor anyone to compete with at feats of strength, I could not let this opportunity to express some grief pass.  Here we go!

I hate the belief that I am required to care about an individual simply because I share a bloodline with them.  In my opinion, the idea of family goes beyond blood--it involves a deep-rooted respect for an individual and an expectation that he/she will (1) have your back and (2) not hurt you or others you care about (physically and/or emotionally).

I could go on about this point and I just may at some point down the line, but for now: GRIEVANCES!

I hate the fact that I have little control over my life and that my life is often in the hands of petty and small individuals.  I understand that a large portion of the blame lies upon my shoulders, but I have lived my life according to the rules of others and I have seen very little in the means of payoff.

I hate supporters of Seattle sports teams (with the exception of Mariners fans because I do not know any and I do not care about baseball).  To be honest, I am not certain of why I feel the way I feel--I suppose you have to pick one sports city to hate and Seattle is it for me.

Anyways, enough for now. Happy Festivus (or what is left)!