26 October 2014

Year 1, Day 122

Today was pleasant.  I watched soccer, I watched football (of the American variety), I ate at my favorite local Chinese buffet, and I had an Oreo blizzard.  The weather was fantastic and...well, that was about it.

To be frank, I wish I had been more productive.  I still need to read a handful of graphic novels and the copy of Black Belt Librarians I borrowed from Jeanne via Lisa as well as prepare the kiosk presentations for the upcoming week, draft the desk schedule for the upcoming week, and formulate a proposal to turn the IT department head position from a position that I am currently totally unqualified for into a position that I have some qualifications for.

Also, I need to do the laundry, figure out which manga and DVDs I want to donate to the library and wish my friend, Mark, a happy birthday.  And I need to do all of this before I run out of steam, which is much sooner than later.

Anyway, I hope that I can get this stuffed panned out before tomorrow.