29 October 2014

Year 1, Day 125

First, congratulations to the San Francisco Giants for winning the World Series.

Second, congratulations to the Kansas City Royals for a remarkable season.

Outside of the Atlanta Braves, I don't follow baseball and in a few years--once the Braves "white flight" out of downtown Atlanta and into the suburbs of Cobb County--my interest in the sport will more than likely dwindle to nothing.

27 October 2014

Year 1, Day 123

While the boss is away, I will do my best to keep things running as smoothly as possible.  I understand that there are times in which I lose focus and I become less productive, but these moments are just moments and I can usually rediscover my groove.  To be honest, the typical work day is rather mundane and of very little interest to others, but I continue to move forward.

26 October 2014

Year 1, Day 122

Today was pleasant.  I watched soccer, I watched football (of the American variety), I ate at my favorite local Chinese buffet, and I had an Oreo blizzard.  The weather was fantastic and...well, that was about it.

To be frank, I wish I had been more productive.  I still need to read a handful of graphic novels and the copy of Black Belt Librarians I borrowed from Jeanne via Lisa as well as prepare the kiosk presentations for the upcoming week, draft the desk schedule for the upcoming week, and formulate a proposal to turn the IT department head position from a position that I am currently totally unqualified for into a position that I have some qualifications for.

Also, I need to do the laundry, figure out which manga and DVDs I want to donate to the library and wish my friend, Mark, a happy birthday.  And I need to do all of this before I run out of steam, which is much sooner than later.

Anyway, I hope that I can get this stuffed panned out before tomorrow.

23 October 2014

Year 1, Day 119

I suppose at times I can be as chatty as a teenage girl.  Anyways, a conversation with a friend caused me to miss posting yesterday (Day 118) so I am going to post something before I call it a night.

For obvious reasons, I have recently become enthralled by the lovely April O'Neil (pictured below).

Source:  April O'Neil Instagram (heyitsaprilagain)
There is a lot to be said about an adult entertainer that takes her stage name from one of your animated childhood crushes and is, as demonstrated in the proceeding photograph, a fellow Whovian. On top of these things, she is a noted gamer, a cosplayer (again, demonstrated above), a comic book reader and an all-around interesting individual.

Anyways, I thought it was important that I share my latest infatuation and think of me what you will, but I am simply a man with desires and at this time; my desires are to learn more about this remarkable woman via SFW and NSFW means.

21 October 2014

Year 1, Day 117

To be honest, I'm lacking in the area of possible topics to discuss this evening, but I'm giving it (posting an update) a goal anyways.

It could be said of me that whenever a grand opportunity presents itself before me, I will be the first to find some way to bypass it.

Today, the library posted the job opening for the position of IT Department Director and while my colleagues in Circulation believe that I would make an excellent option for the position; my own internal self doubts that strongly.

Yes, I can do basic things on a computer and with direction, I can piece things together (when I'm in the mood), but it is the complicated things like actually putting together a network, maintaining that network and other IT-related responsibilities that scares me.

In truth, I could always make plans to learn this stuff, but actually executing it is the main issue. I'm a visionary with no willingness to make that vision reality.

I will have to contemplate on this issue hard, but I know in my heart of hearts that I'm not ready nor am I sure that I ever will be.

20 October 2014

Year 1, Day 116

Well, not quite Day 116 since I'm posting this a little before 5 AM and the day has yet to "start."

Anyways, I'm unable to fall back asleep and so I thought that I'd take this time to actually post something since my postings have become more and more sporadic.

As for my Anime Weekend Atlanta recap, I do plan on completing that at some point though it'll be more difficult as time passes. (You know what they say about human memory: it's crap.)

I haven't been to a movie in a while so there haven't been any "Shite Movie Reviews", but the fall / winter movie season is upon us and there are some movies I'm interested in seeing. Hopefully, we'll get back on track with that soon rather than later.

If you couldn't guess, I'm on the iPhone again, but sometimes you have to work with what you have.

I'm going to have to wrap this up soon since it appears as though I'm running out of space on the Blogger app, but know that I haven't forgotten about this blog it's just that I'm lazy.

05 October 2014

Year 1, Day 101

A week has passed since the close of Anime Weekend Atlanta (AWA) and I find myself within the grasp of one of my worst bouts with con withdrawal in recent memory.  For the uninitiated, con withdrawal is the feeling of malaise one has after being ripped viciously from one’s convention “family and friends” and being thrown back into the “reality” of what is one’s “normal” and mundane life.  I may have exaggerated a bit, but I think I have expressed my point poignantly.

Anyway, I know that I have yet to write anything about the convention despite stating that I may do so during the convention, but volunteering at an all-volunteer run convention that hosted 20,000+ attendees made that more difficult than I imagined.  So, here now is a rundown of my AWA in as close to chronological order as possible:

I arrived about a half-hour before the start of my first shift and prior to retrieving my staff badge holder and badge, I came across a younger cousin and his girlfriend; it was the only time I saw him during the weekend.

My first assignment was assisting with the line for the Grand Opening ceremonies.  The line was big, we had to “snake” the line three-fold, and it was without a doubt, the largest line for an event that I worked during AWA.

Following the clearing of the Grand Opening line, I was assigned to badge check at the Kennesaw panel room for a panel about anime references in mainstream pop culture (I think).  Of course, my first panel of the day would not go off without a hitch and that hitch: the panelists were unable to operate the soundboard.  Since I refused to take on a supervisory role, I had no means of contacting Tech staff (i.e. – I had no walkie-talkie on hand) and I needed to track down this section’s supervisor, which I eventually did.  At that point, I was assigned to organize the line for my first guest panel of the convention, a Q&A session with Scott McNeil.  In truth, organizing the line was rather simplistic and I was able to make my exit before the trouble arose.  In case you were wondering, the Q&A did not take place Friday nor did Mr. McNeil’s autograph session because Mr. McNeil had not yet arrived at the convention.  Apparently, he was caught up in the mess at the Chicago airport and had his flight cancelled; he did eventually make it to AWA and was very generous with what time he had left.

From Section 4(?), I was then assigned to Section 5(?) (AKA Autographs) since my assigned Section 2 was not needed.  My first autograph line assignment was Home Made Kazoku (HMK), a Japanese hip-hop trio known for tracks that served as the opening and closing themes for popular anime series like Naruto and Bleach.  For Japanese guests at the convention, the instructions were simple:  90-person limit, one item autographed and no photographs.  HMK did not hit their limit, which was disappointing in my eyes, but I think the AWA attendees more than made up for it during their Saturday evening concert.

The second guest I work their autograph line for was Junichi Suwabe, a Japanese voice actor who is currently voicing the lead character in Space Dandy.  His lead did get capped and I ended up being the individual that held slips of papers that attendees could fill out if they wanted a personalized autograph; this was a rather smart idea in my opinion since there was a clear language barrier.  This line moved rather efficiently and the highlight had to be the fact that he cosplayed as Dandy and there was Meow cosplayer on-hand for photographs too.

By the time the Suwabe line cleared, I was well over my scheduled shift time and I had yet to check into my hotel room and my next shift was scheduled to start in just over an hour-and-a-half.  Also, I hadn’t eaten anything yet aside from a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

After settling into my room, grabbing a quick bite to eat at Chick-Fil-A and returning to the convention just in time for my shift, I was assigned to Events for badge check duty for the premiere of the English-dubbed version of the second season of High School DxD, but before that took place; I needed to relieve someone at the Highlands(?) panel room until it was time for me to work the Grand Panel room.

When I arrived at Highlands, the Yuko Minaguchi panel was just wrapping up and Ms. Minaguchi, the Japanese voice actress for Sailor Saturn in Sailor Moon S, was preparing to take some photographs with some of the attendees of her panel.  The next panel on tap was a panel about Marvel anime series, but I did not stick around too long since I had another assignment to tend to.  And here is where the fun began for me on Friday evening.

In truth, badge check duty is simple and rather monotonous unless it turns out that the premiere you are working at is for anime series in which the American production company sends the uncensored version of the series and fails to mention it to the convention organizers and you have already let a number of minors into the screening (d’oh)!  Fortunately, there were no complaints that I know of and too be honest; I don’t expect any to be made.

Now, the real fun began as the time drew closer to karaoke and the people were beginning to line up—at this point, I had already organized the line for another anime world premiere and now, it was time to organize an even bigger line.  In truth (and you may call me a bit of a glutton for punishment for it), the real fun occurs when there is a complete lapse in communications between two departments and you and your department get thrown under the wheels of the bus (it was Touhou all over again for me).  Anyway, we had received two sets of directions: (1) karaoke participants could go ahead and enter the room and wait for High School DxD to clear and then (2) everyone needed to clear out and a line needed to be formed immediately outside of the registration area.  Of course, there is nothing like contradictory directives to create chaos, but my partner and I did the damn thing, made it work and got everyone inside and out of registration’s hair.

And like with my previous shift, I ran over my scheduled time (which will be a recurring theme), but I clocked out at 10 PM and checked out a bit of Anime Hell before grabbing a late dinner and calling it a night.

On a side note, I have a feeling that if I am back next year to work AWA; I’ll be getting my own room because I don’t know if I can deal with roommates, especially, roommates that are loud and obnoxious at terrible hours of the night.

So, this has recap has gone on for way too long and I have only covered one day of it.  I suppose I am going to have to cut it here and come back later to recap the rest of my con.  Until then, stay safe and don’t forget to be awesome!