So, De Gea to Real Madrid fell through because Madrid failed to submit the proper paperwork before the Spanish league transfer deadline. That is FUCKING HILARIOUS! So, De Gea remains at Old Trafford for the remainder the season and then he is off to Madrid on a free transfer--well, that sucks. But, I stand by my position from a few weeks ago: let him rot in the stands. Now, I have heard a number of pundits say that this is terrible for United and that they need to play De Gea (especially, given Romero's performance against Swansea this past weekend), but the reality of the matter is this: United don't have to do shit! No, single player is greater than the club and that is especially the case with a club as great as United. Let De Gea rot or force him to sign an extension with a massive release clause--now, that would be fucking genius. I saw it suggested on Republik of Mancunia's Twitter feed and I think it's bloody brilliant. If De Gea wishes to see any playing time this campaign, especially, considering the upcoming EURO 2016 tournament, then force him to sign a new extension and include a massive release clause. Seriously stick it to Real Madrid and their smug we can buy any player we wish to buy attitude--oh, they can buy De Gea next summer for a price of United's choosing or they can sign De Gea on a free transfer (assuming that they have not received a transfer ban similar to Barcelona) after he has rotted in the stands for an entire season. Sure, a goalkeeper of his standard should be able to regain his footing eventually, but watching him regain his footing should make for a good time. And for the pundits that say that United can't simply keep paying De Gea his wages while having him not play, I ask: Why the fuck not? We paid Falcao, we paid Di Maria, and we just paid $70+ million for a 19 year old--so, what would keep United from doing the same with De Gea?
I'm bitter about this whole situation, but it is nice to think about what should happen know that it will not happen.