I have been thinking about change a lot lately. I think about the need for me to move forward from my mother's passing. I think about how I want to alter my current lifestyle and very recently, I have been thinking about change in the workplace. Change in the workplace is an inevitable, people get older and they retire, people find better positions and they resign, and people return to school and they leave. At the beginning of this year, there was a lot of change in personnel. People brought on for the runoff ran out their contracts and those that had been with us for longer were also released because of the nature of our organization. To be fair, I knew very few of these individuals and their departures did not strike a cord with me, but during the course of the next few months, two individuals will be taking their leave from our organization: (1) a coworker that came onboard only in November of last year but has worked closely to everyday during their tenure and (2) a coworker that worked with me a couple of years back on a campaign that I was managing.
For the first, I feel as though I have become too reliant upon them at times and I honestly do not know how I will make the adjustment to having do many of the tasks that I had asked them to do. To be honest, I was hesitant and stubborn about bringing on someone to assist me. I was paranoid and a bit offended that people felt I needed the help, but I did and she really came through and got me through a rough patch.
The second hits a bit harder because I felt that we did connect beyond just being coworkers, I thought perhaps we could consider ourselves friends but I'm reminded time and time again that that's not actually the case. But, she's someone I have worked with, vented to, and even shed tears alongside and now, she's heading off to find her own success and hopefully, happiness.
Change is inevitable but without change, everything becomes stagnant, everything becomes boring. Perhaps, it is for the best, but I am also some one that has never truly had anything long term in my life. All I can do is go with the flow and hope for the best for myself (and for those that I have cared about in my life).