04 May 2015


Much time has passed since my last post and plenty has happened during the past six-plus weeks.  I cannot remember everything that has occurred, but I am able to share some of the major events.

1. I am back on the job market.  No, I have not left my job at the library, but the work environment has become too toxic for me to want to prolong my stay within this particular system.  At present, I have only one application entered—a library position at my alma mater—but I am more mindful of other opportunities that may become available.

2. I have become addicted to Minecraft.  To be frank, I am still clueless about the game, but I find myself spending countless hours playing.  I initially picked up Minecraft as a joke in regards to a comment I made to one of my coworkers about YouTube gaming channels and how I could (and should) create a channel of my own.

Honestly, my pending escape from my toxic work environment and Minecraft are what my life is at present.  Yes, there have been a few excursions I could discuss, but these outings primarily revolved around comics; which is another post to be written.  Also, the decision to begin drafting a post after 11 PM was a poor decision that has led to this abridged edition of the original post I had in mind.