30 August 2015


A couple of weeks have past since my last update and thought I would share with you, my nonexistent readers, some of what has been (or is) happening since the last time I posted:

I am a powerless Hulk!
I have all of the angst and rage of the Hulk, but none of the power to actually do anything about it.  I am an angry person--I have always been short-tempered and ill-willed, but the last few months have tested my restraint in ways not before experienced.  Initially, all of my animosity was geared toward a handful of ignorant motherfuckers that I know are ruining the library system with which I am currently employed.  And, for a while, I felt that I could be someone that could represent the voices of the employees being fucked over by an incompetent administration, but then I realized that I was a single voice among cowardly silence.  Oh, people talk a lot of shit and people will tell you that they have your back, but then, when it is time to act; they are nowhere to be seen or heard.  I honestly do not care if I am on an island on my own because I have always been a bit of a loner, but I refuse to fight for those that do not wish to fight for themselves and would rather have bullshit shoved into their rectum time and time again.  As of now, I am pissed at just about everyone at the branch I work at because the vast majority of them are two-faced, yellow-bellied pieces of worthless manure and it is come to a point where I have to actually remind myself on a nearly daily basis to:  GIVE ZERO FUCKS and worry about no one in the library system except my boys (Billy and Brian).

I have to find a way out of here!
It is a difficult truth that if I am ever going to be happy again working in a library then it will need to be in another system because this system is heading toward an iceberg (assuming global warming doesn't melt it first) and it is the Titanic.  I'll admit it, I love being a librarian, excuse me, a library staffer, but I hate where I work.  There are a number of interesting employment opportunities that have arisen over the past couple of months and I would be a fool not to pursue them despite my personal reservations and discomforts.

Dragon Con is upon us!
One reason (aside personal laziness) that I haven't been posting as frequently on here is that I have been posting more often at a blog that I set up for a couple of coworkers and I chronicling our preparations for Dragon Con.  It's called Librarians Versus Dragon Con and you can find it at: librariansvsdragoncon.blogspot.com.

Well, that's it for now.  I have plenty of other items to vent about, but I'll hold off since I've rambled on long enough.  Till next time, DFTBA!

16 August 2015


I honestly do not know what day this is, but I'll figure it out. Anyways, I'm ill and I've reached a tipping point. And all this stems from rumored actions of Real Madrid in regards to David De Gea. First, if you want him, then pony up the cash. United asks for £35 million and Real Madrid act surprised when the Red Devils reject their bid of £25 million. And now, Madrid are reported to be offering De Gea a £12 million signing bonus if he plays out the last year of his contract at Old Trafford and leaves for free at the end of the season.  That is fucking bullshit! Look, United aren't entirely blame free in this instance--they really fucked up De Gea's contract situation when they failed to offer him a proper extension following his first breakout season under Moyes--but they shouldn't stand by and get shafted by Madrid. We don't want another Paul Pogba situation. If I were United, I'd stand firm and if Madrid failed to meet the club's valuation of De Gea; I'd sit him and relegate him to the reserves. Personally, I'd ruin a career before I got shafted by a club like Mardrid. No player is bigger than the club, especially, an ungrateful one. And if De Gea were to have an about face about wanting to play, then I'd force him to sign a new long-term deal with a ridiculous buyout clause of no less than £50 million. And if that didn't work, then I'd play him in one Champions League match and offer him to Barça or PSG or some other big name European side at a fee of £20 million and have De Gea be their problem.